Unexpected thanks and support from a parent

This week, we shared a note in our all school newsletter about our presentation at the White Privilege Conference.  We were surprised and touched when a parent of a former student came to tell us she read our newsletter addition and she was so happy to hear about us sharing our work with a larger audience!  

Apparently, our work with her child last year changed the way she thought about inequity, structural poverty, racism and more. This has impacted her role as a teacher at an inter-faith Sunday school as they now do activities that she said she never would have thought of before we taught her child. She said that from experiential activities even the young students were able to understand more abstract concepts because they were engaged and felt something. She was thrilled to see that we are  reaching other adults and educators.

It's always lovely to hear positive memories from a former student or parent, but knowing we inspired other social justice teaching was even better!  Thank you for making our day. Keep us posted on the awesome work you all are doing out there!