My Homework on the 1st Day of School

Every year on the first day of school (or Teacher's New Year as we like to call it), we ask our students to write a letter to themselves detailing their expectations, hopes, and goals for the year ahead. Tomorrow, we will collect their (sealed) letters and put them away until the last day of school. It is always fun to watch students laugh as they open their letters at the end of the school year and are shocked by their growth (as writers, learners, and more) and how their perceptions and expectations have changed!

Below is my letter to myself:

Dear (future) Nina,

No matter how many first days of school you teach, they always feel the same: exciting, exhausting, and nerve-wracking! There are so many things I am joyfully anticipating this year: a third year in a row teaching the same grade at the same school with the same co-teacher (unprecedented stability for me), mentoring an apprentice teacher, and adding more "action" components to our social justice curriculum, to name a few.

It also seems like every year my students get younger. Today, looking at their faces, I was surprised how  emotional I felt about wanting to protect them from the world. My students are in fifth grade and initially seemed so grown up to me compared to my former first graders. I also am a huge proponent of talking about the news at school (in a developmentally appropriate way, of course). But today, looking at their faces and thinking about so many things that happened over the summer, I just wanted to shield them. I just wanted to keep them safe from harm and hurt. This is always our first priority as teachers, but my feelings today were more visceral than practical.

We had our students write top ten lists about themselves: the top ten things you should know about _______. One of my students wrote that he loves school. Another wrote that she is not a morning person (modeled after a similar point on my top ten list). They were beyond thrilled to read what their teachers wrote about and had follow up questions and remembered details related to the facts shared. One of my students told me over lunch that he had heard we have a "puberty" unit. He looked suspicious, but simultaneously very curious.  That juxtaposition of emotions is precisely why our health and wellness unit is so essential.

Tomorrow, I will put a copy of this letter in an envelope, seal it, and put it away until the last day of the school year.  My students and co-teachers will do the same.  Hopefully, when we open our letters to our future selves, we will be amused by the limits of our expectations and find that we have broadly surpassed them.

What were your impressions on the first day of school?  Do you have reflections to help students record where they were at the beginning of the year? I would love to hear thoughts and variations on the first day of school letter!

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SDE Differentiated Instruction Conference!

Hello and happy July!

We are writing to you from the SDE 2016 Differentiated Instruction Conference in Las Vegas, where we are learning as much as we can about differentiated instruction! 

When we are not wondering about how the temperature can be 115 degrees or why there is a fake sky inside, we have found numerous takeaways we can't wait to bring back to the classroom. Below are a few different reminders and insights we would like to share with you! They cover a range of tips from the vast world of differentiation.

1. We (still) love Pop-up Debates !

We do these in our classroom and we loved hearing about how others do debates in their rooms/schools. We are re-committed to using these as a way to talk through news articles, get content moving, and especially excited to keep using debates before our Persuasive Essay unit. We were reminded to use templates to give students practice for how to paraphrase an argument, and then agree & add on, disagree, or complicate.


"_____ you're basically saying _________.. "

AND THEN add on one of the options below:

Disagree with reasons

  • "The primary problem with that is _________"

  • "The reason that your statement can’t stand is__________"

  • "I don’t agree because _________"


  • Well crafted question that makes the other person go back and unravel what they/you just said

  • "But I can also see _____ being true.."

  • "Do you think you might be missing ________?"

  • "Isn’t it more complicated than that, though? I mean, what about________?"

Agree & Add on

  • "I agree with what you are saying and I want to add on________"

  • "You're on point and here's another reason why_______"

(example template inspired by They Say, I Say)

We were also just reminded how teaching students how to disagree and argue is such an important life skill!

"The goal is not victory but a good decision, one in which all arguers are at risk of needing to alter their views , one in which a participant takes seriously and fairly the views different from his or her own." -Richard Fulkerson, Teaching the Argument in Writing (1996)

2. ABC Brainstorm! 

We love this idea of an Alphabet Brainstorm to get everyone involved and connecting to prior knowledge. For example, if the topic is MUSIC, students would brainstorm alone/in pairs/in groups and try to fill in the entire alphabet. We are going to do this to assess background knowledge of a topic! This is a fun tool we are going to keep playing with in terms of grouping students, as well so we can make groups based off of their answers and interests (and not just on 'level').

3. Change your verbs!  

Changing verbs alters the complexity of the prompt, and can push students to think outside the box. We especially like "Defend.." (going back to debate practice) as a challenging one we will try out. We also like "Rank.." as a quick check in prompt to see what they are understanding in an easily accessible, quick bullet point way. We are going to try some of these out more often this upcoming school year!

We love these reminders of ways to change the game and individualize the task for each student!

5. There are so many different ways of being smart!


We really appreciated the reminder about assessing for multiple intelligences (thanks, Howard Gardner via Danielle Hickerson!) and the importance of knowing yourself as a learner. This school year, we will work extra hard to make sure we are teaching to all different learning styles and giving EVERYONE a chance to excel.

What insights have you come across this summer in terms of differentiated instruction? What are some of your favorite tools? Tips? Activities?

We'd love to hear from you!




Update from the Classroom: Covenant Usurp Simulation!


Following the Responsive Classroom model, the norms and expectations in our classroom are called our 'covenant'. 

In our classroom, we spend the first month and a half (!) trying to sort out what we value individually and as a class, so that we can create a covenant that feels true to us. We have three dynamic simulations in which students 'experience' Anarchy, Totalitarianism, and Republicanism.  After each class period, we reflect on each government model to decide what we like best about it. We take these positive aspects and try to figure out how we want our classroom to run and which pieces we would like to incorporate into our community. The covenant is a labor of love and becomes all their own. This year, our class created a written covenant, a song (they are an incredibly musical bunch), and a logo which was "reproduced" (AKA copied and laminated) for everyone to put on their lockers, computers, notebooks etc.. 

The idea is that our students sincerely care about their covenant. 

One simulation we do as a part of our Indigenous American/ American Indian/ Native American Studies unit is to have our covenant... usurped! 

How it works: 

This simulation requires 6th graders (older students) to come into the classroom and they tell the 5th graders that their rules are useless, they will not be prepared for 6th grade, and ultimately, they give the 5th grade class new and 'better' rules. We then dramatically take down all aspects of our covenant and the 5th graders become upset and frustrated. We spend the rest of the day/lesson abiding by the new rules put on us by the 6th graders. 

*FYI. Prior to this simulation we have given students plenty of background about European contact, along with discussed methods for oppressing Native people in the US (extermination, assimilation in boarding schools, forced into debt, reservations...). 

The response and reflection: 

This simulation is a visceral experience for students as their rules, community, and classroom culture is taken away from them by a group of people who have no context to who they are or what they have been working on all year. As we debrief this simulation we STRESS repeatedly that we would NEVER want to simulate any actual aspect of disenfranchisement of Indigenous people, and that this experience is a mere sliver of shallow understanding that might create more space for empathy as we continue our unit (and our lives). We come back to this point repeatedly. 

This covenant usurp simulation helped students be more invested in our discussions and learning about  people who have been in the Maryland and Virginia areas for thousands of years. We especially love the passion they bring to their work after this simulation, and their increased determination to comprehend  American history better, from essential points of view, and in more depth. 

Unexpected thanks and support from a parent

This week, we shared a note in our all school newsletter about our presentation at the White Privilege Conference.  We were surprised and touched when a parent of a former student came to tell us she read our newsletter addition and she was so happy to hear about us sharing our work with a larger audience!  

Apparently, our work with her child last year changed the way she thought about inequity, structural poverty, racism and more. This has impacted her role as a teacher at an inter-faith Sunday school as they now do activities that she said she never would have thought of before we taught her child. She said that from experiential activities even the young students were able to understand more abstract concepts because they were engaged and felt something. She was thrilled to see that we are  reaching other adults and educators.

It's always lovely to hear positive memories from a former student or parent, but knowing we inspired other social justice teaching was even better!  Thank you for making our day. Keep us posted on the awesome work you all are doing out there!